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Be Thankful for What You Got


So I’ve wanted to write a positive and thankful post for a while now, but it feels right that I’ve ended up delaying this until Christmas time. I’ll keep it brief.

I can easily admit that this year has been a bit shit, and admittedly, that in itself, might be a bit of an understatement. I’ve made little attempt at all to shield you guys from the distress and the difficulty, and you have met my honesty with an unfailing stream of support. I am so incredibly lucky to have found such love, to cushion – let’s be honest here – a f**king huge blow. I won’t belittle the scope of change to my life, my plans, or future. There have been times when I have felt my life was over, and there are elements of my life which have been irrevocably changed. Hell! there are still moments when I sit and think ‘I don’t want this life’, it feels so far from ‘the plan’, it feels so far from ‘MY’ life, but with your support I have started to build a new life. More important I still have a life to live. Many people don’t get to wheel – let alone walk – away from a crash like mine. I am thankful for that; even when things feel dark. At this time of year that’s one of the things we should be thinking about; everything we are thankful for.

Dancing with death makes you thankful for a lot of things. Not just the big things like, well you know… breathing, being able to understand and make speech... but things that usually get lost in the everyday. Coming out of this disabled, I appreciate things that I didn’t even consider before. Being able to get myself dressed, being able to get out of bed; things we just take for granted. Then of course I have so much else to be thankful for. From moment one of the accident all I have found is love. The beautiful people that stayed with me and helped at the side of the road. The fantastic emergency crew, helicopter ambulance, emergency department staff, acute spinal and rehab spinal staff. And then how can I thank all the support of my family and friends. I am blessed. I’ll post pictures soon but my parents, (with some family help), have built me a lovely disabled accessible room. I can go home whenever I want, and especially at Christmas that means a lot. You also really know who your friends are when something like this happens - there’s been a few friendship fatalities, but mostly I’ve just felt so loved.

There are truly so many people I could thank. I was in awe of the number of people that rallied around me; visits, emails, letters, just constant support and love. Then, when I started writing the blog the love just kept coming. So thank-you. Thank-you everyone for having my back this year; whatever you’ve done – fundraising, a message now and again, a story shared, a donation – honestly I thank-you all. You have been so kind. I inspire you?! You inspire me to keep going. You believe in me. Thank-you.

Appreciate everything you have. I know I do.



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